

I like words.
I like shaping words. I like controlling them.
I like putting that word in front of that one, because it will sound prettier or perhaps more severe.
I like words the way some may like numbers. I can add them up or divide them, make them adhere to any equation I want.
I like letters the way some may like colors. I can't really explain it, but 'a' could be green and 'b' blue, and then I know where to place them according to their separate hue.
Some say they would rather use bricks to construct- I prefer to use syllables. I don't doubt the power of clay, nor wood, nor metal - but I cannot pretend to believe that words are not more likely to stand the test of time.
Surely, words will last longer than any tangible thing?
A word pyramid will not be affected by the constant wear of wind and rain. A word pyramid is sturdy, will not budge, will not fall underneath the rubble natural phenomenons can so unexpectedly create.
Paragraphs are like endurable shelters for what men have deemed most important to protect.
Only men have the power to create and destroy words, and then, to destroy them is much harder than to build them up. The same could not be said about things: this is not true of buildings; nor sculptures or paintings- but with words, I would find it most true; wouldn't you?

All that said, I do appreciate a good picture.

"I have a rendez-vous with Death
At some disputed barricade"


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